Monday, February 8, 2021

My Little Boys

 I was just sitting on my sitting rock today and captured some really cute photos!

Breezy, me & Shadow
They are so adorable!

Me & Stormy
So sweet! Gentle eyes!

Me & Shadow
Love his smile!

Breezy, me, & Shadow
They love giving me kisses!

Breezy & me
Breezy is always smiling, he is just a happy little pony!

Breezy, me, & Shadow
So cute!

Bad pony!! LOL LOL


 What a great pic! Everyone is in it! 

4 minis, 2 biggies, & 3 sheep

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Sun Bathing


I must have the laziest ponies ever!
 They are always snoozing and relaxing!!
So sweet!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Stormy drive miles for Feb 2021

Feb 9

Time: 23:45

Miles: .64

(37 min/mile)

Feb 7

Miles: .68

Time: 24 minutes

(36 min/mile)

Stormy is doing so good!

 Feb 5

Miles: .76

Time: 27 minutes

(35:50 min/mile)

Feb 3

Miles: .75 miles

Time: 30 minutes

(40:10 min/mil)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Shadow drive miles for February 2021

Feb 25

Time: 26 min

Miles: .70

Feb 24

Time: 15:30

Miles: .40

Feb 10

Time: 23 minutes

Miles: .80

(28:28 miles/min)

Too cold outside and Shadow was FRISKY! We trotted most of the time in the arena.

Feb 9

Time: 25 minutes

Miles: .73

(34:55 min/mile)

I took Shadow down the street again today and he did wonderful! A scary car with headlights on even passed us and he remained calm, woohoo! Great job Shadow!

Feb 8

Time: 27 minutes

Miles: .74

(36.23 min/mile)

I drove Shadow down the street in our neighborhood for the first time today and he did awesome! He is turning into such a great little trail pony!!

Feb 7

Time: 27 minutes

Miles: .76

(35:46 min/mile)

Feb 6

Time: 22 minutes

Miles: .69

(31:39 min/mile)

It is just waaaaay to windy today.

 Feb 5

OMG!!!!!! SO! MUCH! FUN!!

Time: 45 minutes

Miles: 1.37

(32.29 min/mile)

What a drive! I am still on a high from such a wonderful time. They say the first time you canter a horse in cart, you should be extra careful because they might spoke, since cantering feels different to them. Well, Shadow spoked at something and took off into a bolt which lead to a canter, all the time I am grinning ear to ear and hanging on for dear life. After we slowed down, I thought.... well now I guess we can canter! And we took off cantering!!!! Again. Again. And again. It was absolutely amazing! And I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow!!!! Woohoo!! Me and Shadow are now cantering in cart!!!

Feb 3

Time: 27 minutes

Miles: .80 

(33:14 min/mile)

Feb 2

Time: 38 minutes

Miles: 1.10

(34.18 min/mile)

This is the front yard of our ranch!
 We have such a beautiful view of the mountains!

Total drive miles 2021


Stormy: 2.83 miles

Shadow: 8.09

January 2021

Stormy: 7.10 miles

Shadow: 3.91 miles