Thursday, February 29, 2024

Vet: Tooth Fairy

 February 28

Took Breezy and Bentley to the vet for their annual shots, teeth float and sheath cleaning. 

Breezy ended up having a cap tooth pulled. He also ended up with a reaction from the vaccines the next morning running a 103.4 fever, poor baby! He wasn’t feeling well, he had a short stride in his front legs and held his head/neck over to the side in a weird position. I had to go back to the vet to get him Banamine to reduce his fever. He is feeling so much better after one dose of meds, hopefully he will continue to improve.


Bentley ended up having 4 teeth pulled! He had 2 Wolfe teeth and 2 hook teeth removed, poor baby! He was absolutely fine the next morning, rearing and ready to go. Doctor said Bentley is most definitely a 3yo now.


I would have thought he would have been in pain the next day
but boy was I wrong. He is such a little trooper!


 What does 95 degrees in February get ya? A pony bloomer!

Breezy first clip of 2024

Breezy: Lost Oak Winery

Feb 21

Got to drive at Lost Oak Winery.

Cleburne State Park

Feb 19-20

Cleburne SP site #46

 Dave and I had our first camping trip in the van together at Cleburne State Park on February 19-20. Dave cooked hot dogs over the campfire and we both roasted marshmallows. We hiked to the water falls and watched the sunset over the lake. Our campsite was right on the lake, the best campsite at the park. What a beautiful couple of days in the middle of February! We had a blast!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Breezy: Marine Lake

What a beautiful day at the lake yesterday.

 …. But we won’t be going back to this park, too many dang post in the way.

The Magical Glow

 What a GORGEOUS sunset!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Bentley & Breezy: Clearfork

Feb 12:

 Drove Bentley at Cleafork and he did AMAZING! When we got there, I didn’t even lounge him, all I did was tack up and away we went. He was so calm and only spooked once at a jogger who passed by really close to us. The baby strollers, bikers, and other joggers didn’t faze him at all. He didn’t even flinch walking by the dog park while dogs charged the fence line barking. He is going to be a great trail pony! It was windy and cold today, the high was only 52.


Feb 13:

Drove Breezy at Clearfork and he did AMAZING too, but that is to be expected.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Bentley in the Hood

 Had a nice little drive with Bentley today, he is coming along so nicely!

Come late spring I will slowly start putting the miles on him, can’t wait! Now his training is more about getting him out to see different things and for me to figure out how he will react to his ever changing environment . He is taking everything in stride so far. He has a pretty good head on his shoulders, not a spooky horse at all.

Breezy: Press Cafe

 We ended up at Clearfork and had lunch at Press Cafe. 

7.75 miles!

Shelia with her horse Atom, Julie with her horse Hollee, and Me & Breezy

Me, Julie, Shelia

Sunday, February 4, 2024


Waiting patiently for their turn at the hay bucket LOL 

Bentley, Stormy, Breezy

Breezy - Fort Worth

 Jan 29 we ended up in Downtown Fort Worth. We had lunch at the Flying Saucer and went for a drive through Sundance Square! 7.7 miles