Monday, October 30, 2023

My Boys

 This is how they buddy up. Breezy & Stormy are so bonded, poor Bentley is usually by himself…which is exactly what I was hoping for. Since Bentley will be my main driving pony next year, I need him to be able to go by himself and not be buddy sour. 

Breezy, Stormy, & Bentley

Stormy got so cold yesterday that he started shivering and it was only 45 degrees outside! He is a very cold natured little horse. They all have been running around like crazy horses with this freezing fall weather.

Riffics was looking so adorable the other day, I just had to take his picture.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Mineola Nature Preserve - Breezy

 Mineola Nature Preserve is cart friendly. Breezy and I camped out there and drove their trails for 3 days. Had a blast with Julie and her horse Hollee!

I would not camp here solo. There is no overnight park host, no security, outsiders come and go as the please at all hours day and night, there is no security gate.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

My Little Boys


Bentley, Stormy, & Breezy

Temperatures are finally cooling off here in Texas! I clipped everyone last month but their fur coat is growing like crazy and I will need to clip them again if it gets too hot outside.

Death Grip

 Stormy and Bentley bicker a lot. Bentley is full of energy and Stormy is always putting him in his place. Stormy got him by the throat, NOT funny! Everyone is fine. Bentley keeps testing the waters as a two year old does.

They do get along as long as Bentley is calm, quiet, and listens to Stormy. Breezy is easy going but he does keep Bentley at the bottom of the totem pole. Bentley thinks he should be in charge but the other two won’t give up their spots in the herd. Bentley is still young so things could change as they all age, only time will tell.

Breezy, Stormy, & Bentley

Friday, October 6, 2023

Breezy - Wyatt Ranch

 Spent the day with my friend Julie and her horse Hollee at Wyatt Ranch, we had a blast! … a Sonic blast! 🤣

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bentley Camps at Fort Richardson State Park

 Bentley was so brave camping out all alone the past few days at Fort Richardson State Park in Jacksboro, TX. There were no other horses around, no neighing neighbors. He was such a little champ! He is such a little busy body so of course he loved all the hiking and the little bit of trail driving we did. The park was beautifully maintained! The flat, wide, easy trails were perfect for my cart and for Bentleys first time all ALONE with none of his horsey brothers. We will definitely be going back!

Not only was it Bentleys first time but it was also the first time for me to overnight in my beautiful van. It was so enjoyable and I can’t wait to go again this weekend! Stay tuned for our next adventure!


Pony Express BIG SHOT Build