Thursday, June 30, 2022

Stormy - Centennial High School

 We meet up with my friend Julie and her horse Hollee last night at Centennial High School. It was a cool place to drive except the smarty pants teenager who keep peeling out, racing around and hotrodding his Jeep LOL

Julie & Hollee


Me & Stormy

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Baby Nova & Pup

 Baby Nova wasn’t playing as much as I thought she should so I gave her some company. Lacy, my 11.5yo yellow lab, is the BEST babysitter ever! Lacy’s most favorite baby to watch over are new born kittens, but her resume also includes weanlings both puppies and horses. She babysat Thunder when he was a tiny baby. I feel Lacy is fully qualified for the job, Nova is thrilled about the new situation, Lacy… not so much.



Lacy beating the heat!

Baby Nova

 Different obstacle course everyday while the “Sugar Shack” is being built! My horses are so LUCKY!!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Baby Nova

 Baby Nova is the SWEETEST LITTLE THING! She follows me around everywhere!

Baby Nova & Me

Stormy, Thunder, Breezy
Baby Nova & Me

Baby Nova

Dear Horse Friends,

I’ve been with Mommy for two weeks now and OMG! I saw the craziest thing today! Somehow Mommy grew wheels on her legs and was chasing Stormy all around the pasture! It was really weird because Stormy and Mommy were both smiling and giggling, they seemed to be enjoying it. I screamed at Stormy to run faster but he wouldn’t listen to me, it looked like he was going along and doing what Mommy told him to do. It was all very strange.

The other night after Mommy feed me she then wanted to pet me and I wasn’t having it so I kicked her. She chased me off my dinner! I’m a baby doesn’t she know I need to eat! When she finally let me have my dinner again I decided being petted while I was eating wasn’t so bad and I allowed it. I am trying really hard to NOT bite or kick Mommy but there are so many rules here it is hard to keep up. Apparently jumping on Mommy isn’t allowed either how was I suppose to know?!

Sometimes Mommy lets me out with my big brothers and I can’t decide if I love or hate it. They are so rough! Stormy and Breezy always bite at the hair on my legs and my face, Mommy doesn’t correct them either. Mr. Grumpy Pants doesn’t let me go near any food, he is always pinning his ears at me. One time he bit me then tried to kick me but Mommy finally stepped in and told him to knock it off, haha he got in trouble.

I know I have complained a lot in the past about how UNCOOL Mommy is, but my big brothers were right! Mommy is the COOLEST! I love when she visits me several times throughout the day. I follow her around everywhere she goes, her energy is so calm and peaceful. I love when she scratches me and rubs me and loves on me. Mommy doesn’t lecture me as much as she use to instead she is always telling me that I’m such a good girl!



Saturday, June 25, 2022



Importance of Companionship

 How important is companionship to your horse? Does your horse need another horse? Would a goat or sheep be ok? Is being across the fence from another horse enough? Every horse is different and has different needs.

When we moved here a year ago my neighbors horse Doc, her other 2 horses had died from old age so she only has the one left, had been by himself for years. When my horses moved in across the fence line he was absolutely thrilled! If I did anything with one of my horses (big or small) he would scream and scream, he was so scared they would leave and never come back. He was very happy having horses next door and sharing a fence line. Now he has finally quieted down and gotten use to our ways… well, until last week. 

Doc has really become attached to my biggie, Riffics. In the middle of winter during a sleet storm, he would stand right next to Riffics. Riffics wold stand under cover but not poor Doc standing out there in the freezing bad weather. He doesnt like to leave Riffics side across the fence. Last week we decided to put Doc & Riffics out together. OMG! Like two kids in a candy store! The LOVE being together! Doc is 20 and Riffics is 23! Perfect match! They both have NEVER been happier! When Riffics first gets to Docs pasture for their “play date” Doc follows Riffics around as if saying, “don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!” When I bring Riffics home for the night Doc screams & screams for him. As soon as Riffics is back in his own pasture he heads straight to the fence line to be next to his best bud. The new arrangement is benefitting Riffics too, he is FINALLY sleeping! Riffics is a very dominant horse and has to look after “his herd”. I hardly ever see him laying down snoozing. Riffics has been sleep crashing for so long now but finally he is laying down getting some much needed rest! 

For these two old farts being across the fence just wasn’t enough, they needed to be in the same pasture together.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Breezy - TRT Oakmont Park

Ground drove Breezy at Oakmont Park which is part of the TRT system. Not too crowded today, bikes went flying by ever so closely with no problem. One man told us he thought he was looking at the next Triple Crown winner! We had a wonderful morning.



Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Baby Nova

 Dear Horse Friends,

Mommy is still CRAZY but I am starting to get used to her WICKED ways. She is trying to blind me! She keeps covering my eyes with this mask thingy, I just don’t get it. I am getting really good at getting it off though. I set a personal record and got it off 5 times in one day, I was so proud of myself. How cool am I?! It would have been more but Mommy couldn’t keep up. We might need to call out the guy who records all the world records, I know I would be famous! 

Mommy smiles real big when I walk on crazy things that aren’t dirt nor grass, she is so weird but I humor her anyways. She also walks me over bridges and these fat white sticks. It’s kinda boring, I’d rather be eating grass.

I got Mommy real good the other day! She was trying to lift my back leg  and I kicked her! I am so cool! Apparently Mommy didn’t think so because she smacked me on my butt then I got a lecture about how I am NOT allowed to kick at humans bla, bla, bla. Now that I think of it, I have NEVER seen my big brothers kick or bite Mommy. Well, I need to teach them ALL a thing or two. I keep trying to convince Mommy to let me out with them so I can teach them this but she won’t listen to me. I am one tough cookie and can totally hold my own but she keeps putting me in my room by myself, so NOT fair! 

Sometimes I give Mr. Grumpy Pants the evil eye and he pins his ears at me. All Mommy says is, “Thunder be nice.” Really!? That’s it? Thunder be nice. He doesn’t even get in trouble or a lecture but yet I kick Mommy and I get smacked AND I get lectured! So NOT fair! 

One day I was snuggling Mommy ever so sweetly. I was being so loving and enjoying her company. I nuzzled right up to her then I nibbled on her. She smacked the crap out of me! That was so NOT cool! Then I thought maybe her hand slipped so I tried to nibble her again and she smacked me again! ME! She smacked ME! Doesn’t she know i am BOSS mare! Who does she think she is!? I was being so sweet and loving! What gives her the right!? Someone really needs to talk to her about this. I’m the only girl here so that makes me in charge of everyone doesn’t Mommy know her place? She can’t be a BOSS mare, she is human. Humans can’t possibly be in charge and be BOSS mare…. Or can they?

OMG! OMG! OMG! What is going on? Please advise!



Monday, June 20, 2022

Breezy - Petco

 Breezy loved visiting all the little critters at Petco. He did AMAZING, he wasn’t a wild child at all. He was so calm and happy to be out and about.

Breezy visiting the ferrets.


Breezy visiting the birds.

Breezy checking out.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Breezy - Trinity River Main Park

 Today was the first time I ground drove Breezy away from home and he did AWESOME! I’m so proud of this little guy! He put his brains & beauty at work today and left his wild childness back at home. I couldn’t have asked for a more well behaved 2 year old.

Video of our adventure:




Baby Nova

Dear Horse Friends,

PLEASE HELP! Someone has got to talk to my new Mommy, she is CRAZY! The other day she walked me to the end of the driveway and this BIG scary green thing started to follow her. I FLIPPED!! It was a close call but I managed to escape! I got a little lost and ran straight to the neighbors house. My Mommy came over with a panicked look on her face and I was so glad she had escaped that big scary green thing too. This is where she got CRAZY!  She lectured to me something about a trash can and that I’d eventually get use to it bla, bla, bla. Then she took me back over to the big scary green thing! OMG! It was completely crazy! I did finally relax some after she made me walk around it like 100 times but seriously WHY? WHY? WHY? The next day when we went for a walk again and thank GOD that big scary green thing wasn’t there. That’s another thing, Mommy keeps taking me for these “walks” and I don’t really see the point. I’d rather stay in my room close to my big brothers and eat at the hay buffet all day.

I know my big brothers think my Mommy is soooooo cool but trust me she isn’t! I can’t seem to convince them how CRAZY she really is. She comes onto MY new house and my big brothers always run over to her. I scream and scream for them to come back to me but no one listens! Why don’t they listen to me? They are like in complete AWE of her. Somebody needs to talk to them too!

I have my own room for now but Mommy promises I will get to share the big room with my brothers once I get older. It’s just not fair, I want to be out with my big brothers now. Why do I have to wait till I get older?! So unfair! My big brothers did teach me how to get hay out of the net. I LOVE the net, it is my most favorite thing in the world. My Mommy chases me around with a big black bucket of hay sometimes and I don’t know why. Doesn’t she know I only want my hay in those net thingys, just like my big brothers.

I do have one grumpy brother who always pins his ears at me, I think Mommy calls him Thunder. He tried to kick me the other day and Mommy lectured him big time! All I could do was laugh, ha ha ha you got in trouble. I tried to irritate him again so he would kick at me and Mommy would have to lecture him again, but she moved me and put me in time out! I didn’t do anything wrong! It was so unfair! One minute I was tied up next to all my big brothers and loving life then the next minute she moved ME far away, ME!! I don’t understand I was being such a good girl. See? She is so NOT cool!

I heard Mommy lecture to Stormy something about babysitting, bla bla bla, I don’t know what she was saying but Stormy must have agreed because he stands next to me all the time and he keeps a close watch out for me. He is the coolest big brother EVER. I love Breezy too but all he can think about is FOOD so he isn’t always around.

There is this big yellow furry thing here that is bigger than me, it slobbers and snorts. Well the other day it was all up in my junk so I smacked it. I thought I was real cool but Mommy didn’t think so and she lectured me again. She told me something like I shouldn’t strike out at the dog or whatever, I don’t know what she was trying to say all I hear is bla, bla, bla! 

Someone please talk to her, she is CRAZY!


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Baby Nova


Baby Nova’s 1st clip

Bob & Nancy came to visit 
Baby Nova

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 Breezy looking soooooooo gorgeous!

Baby Nova

I let Stormy into Nova’s stall yesterday afternoon and he found the food she didn’t eat. He is the BEST little gelding ever and didn’t mind sharing with her. I obviously didn’t completely trust him that’s why i left his halter on nor did I leave him alone with her, she is just too little for horsing around and y’all know how rough my boys can be. 

Stormy & Nova

Nova sporting her fly mask next to
neighbors horse Doc.

Nova’s gets her first pedicure!

Baby Nova and me
out on our first adventure together
visiting neighbor John.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Baby Nova

 Baby Nova is here! She has just turned 3 months old and I’m in love!! A big thank you to Tony for letting me buy her!!! She is just gorgeous!! I’m thinking she will mature even smaller than Stormy at about 30 or so inches tall. Right now she is only 24 inches tall. 

I went today and picked her up at Little America’s Miniatures which was about a 3 hour drive for me. They are located in Buda, TX just outside of Austin. Tony was wonderful to show me around. He has such beautiful and amazing horses! Baby Nova did wonderful on our journey home.

Baby Nova

The little boys just LOVE their new little sister!

Baby Nova with her big brothers
Stormy, Breezy, Thunder

Of course I had to make a video of her first day at her forever home!

Friday, June 10, 2022

Stormy - North Holiday Park

We went to the lake today! North Holiday Park is located on Benbrook Lake and is only about 20 minutes from the house. Such a beautiful peaceful lake, it wasn’t crowded at all. 


Stormy checking out some kayakers

Stormy is so happy!


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Thunder, AC, & Stormy

 I took Thunder to the vet for his yearly shots and to have his teeth floated. He was such the little champ.



Dave got the AC all hooked up in my van! He added outlets to the exterior of my van so I’ll be able to plug in at campsites. One outlet for the AC and another outlet for lights, microwave etc.

Thank goodness we got the low profile AC unit
because it barely fits in the garage.

Inside of the van

I didn’t clip Stormy again but dang is he darkening up so nicely! This has to be my favorite color of him, dark almost black with the white mane and tail, I just love it!