Friday, May 20, 2022

Thinking Tree

 Breezy had some time on the thinking tree while I drove Stormy. What does the “thinking tree” do? And why tie your horse to a tree? The thinking tree is a wonderful tool to help horses gain confidence and independence. Breezy gets a little nervous when I take him out by himself, hopefully the thinking tree will help with his confidence. The thinking tree is also used to help with buddy sour horses and to teach the horse patience. Breezy is a 2 year old and has so much learning to do. The thinking tree is a great tool that I use with all my horses.

Breezy & Stormy

Lacy just chillin!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Stormy TRT Hogsett Trailhead

 We meet up with our friend Julie and her horse Hollie at TRT Hogsett trailhead. We had a great time and both horses behaved beautifully.

Julie, Stormy, & Me
Scooping out parking for Julie’s horse trailer

Downtown Fort Worth

Monday, May 16, 2022

Riffics Floats

 Riffics got his teeth floated today.

Riffics & the Dentist

Thunder’s New Stall

 I have 2 stalls inside my barn, one for Riffics and the other one for the minis in case someone gets sick or injured. Well Thunder has been hogging the community stall this past year so he has talked me into getting him his very own room…. Kids! Always wanting their own room, never wanting to share, Ha!



Thunders new stall!

Thunder LOVES it! He now wants me to hang posters of Black Beauty up but I am drawing the line. Darn kids these days. I am so mean, I won’t let him have a TV either!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Stormy - Willow Draw

 Stormy and I ended up at Willow Draw in Weatherford today. What a beautiful place! We meet up with a couple of other hyperbike ladies too and we all are already scheming for our next adventures together.

On our way to Willow Draw


Hyperbike Ladies

Over the bridge

Monday, May 9, 2022

99 Degrees!


Tiny horses
Big fan!

Stormy - TRT Main

 Stormy took me to TRT Main Park this morning where we had a beautiful drive. The weather was perfect! I am so impressed with the kind of trail horse Stormy is turning into. Not much bothers him plus he is always looking to me for guidance. We trotted all around the park today and had a blast!


Other horses… they do exsist!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Stormy & Breezy - Liz’s Play Day

 I took Stormy & Breezy over to Liz’s house yesterday for the annual Obstacle Course Play Day. They did so good and we all had a wonderful time. Dave was able to join me along with our neighbors Tessa & Joe.

A few safety issues to remember when out in a large group of big horses:
1. If you see a big horse with rider getting scared, STOP, & wait until the big horse calms down
2. If a big horse doesn’t calm down, turn around and go the other way OR talk to the rider to make sure they are ok and how they want you to proceed
3. Keep your distance from other horses, you never know how one will react to a miniature horse, & never go nose to nose with a biggie
4. Don’t run or trot through horses who are NOT familiar with a cart
5. Just because a big horse has a mini friend at home, doesn’t mean he won’t be scared of your mini
6. While in carriage, never get trapped along the side and in between 2 big horses, always have a way out
7. Never tie you mini to a round pen, one kick by a big horse could end in disaster

Dave & me
Stormy & Breezy in the back


Stormy & me in cart
Breezy & Tessa in the back

Stormy and I did a lot of trotting out in a field by ourselves
so the big horses could watch us from a distance. 
Then we slowly joined the group. 

Tessa & Breezy,
biggest horse at event 17 hh,
Stormy & me

Joe & Breezy
