Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Breezy - Foster Park

What a beautiful morning at Foster Park! We went early this morning to try to beat the heat. Still under an excessive heat warning with the high today of 100 and feel like temp of 110, yikes! I only took Breezy because I wanted him to go out by himself. He did great! ….until we turned around to head back then he got SO excited. I think he was just trying to tell me he wanted to do figure 8s and he wanted to show off how he could pivot on one tire, such a little rock star LOL Once he calmed down, he was good to go. We ended up going about 4 miles with a lot of trotting.  


Monday, June 26, 2023

Bentley’s Training

 Day 2 hitched to the cart we trotted. He was calm and handled it beautifully!

Day 3 hitched to the cart we drove in the front yard were Bentley both walked and trotted. He was calm and tries very hard to please me. He is going to make an excellent trail horse.

Bentley’s third day driving

We are only driving for about 20 minutes max, we are taking things nice and slow. Knock on wood… but he hasn’t done anything “silly” yet while carting me around.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Bentley: Left-Brain Extrovert

 Bentley is most definitely a left-brain extrovert!

The Left-Brain Extrovert

‘If your horse is a Left-Brain Extrovert you’ll easily be able to identify his gregarious characteristics: he’s curious, playful and always looking for fun and mischief to get into.’ says Sarah. You’ll also pick up on this personality type if your horse is dominant, likes to push everyone – and everything – around, needs to move his feet often, and is a fast learner but is easily bored.

Two ways to get the best out of your Left-Brain Extrovert:

  1. ‘Left-Brain Extroverts thrive on play,’ Sarah explains. ‘If your horse has this personality type, he’ll enjoy a busy life with purpose and plenty of new things to do.’ So keep your horse interested, and prevent his tendency to bore easily, by spicing up your training with varied tasks or introducing new games.
  2. If your horse has this type of personality, you’ll also need to make sure you match his energy. ‘These horses are often excellent competition horses with expressiveness, tenacity and a fun outlook on life,’ says Sarah, ‘but you won’t be able to rest on your laurels. The best way to keep your horse’s interest, and maintain your leadership, will be to anticipate any of his mischievous ideas and channel his energy into more positive outlets through play and training.’

I Drive A Bentley!

 Look what we did this morning!

Bentleys first drive

Here is a video of Bentleys very first drive. I am so proud of him, he did fantastic! I’m so excited about our future together! 

Breezy & Bentley - Lake Mineral Wells State Park

 Oh the trails at Lake Mineral Wells State Park in Texas were wonderful! Cart friendly, nice and wide, beautiful scenery, it was just a perfect day. The camping area looked beautiful too, my only critique is I wish they had electric RV hookups. Julie and I have the absolute best ponies ever! 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Bentley’s Training

 I just can’t get over how trusting this little horse has become 💕

We have been very busy lately and working very hard! I have gotten the “all clear” from my vet to start driving Bentley, so I have wasted no time.

Things we have been working on:

*Tire pulling - at first he didn’t know how to pull the tire and he felt like something was holding him back. I asked him to walk forward but he couldn’t figure out how and started pawing. That told me that he wanted to please but just couldn’t figure it, it was really cute. He finally got the hang of it after some encouraging. He now can trot while pulling the tire, he is a tire pulling fool 😍

*Travios - that only took a NY minute. He is use to things hanging all over him 😁 and is quickly getting use to my wicked ways LOL

*The bike - since he has been going so much with me & Breezy he is already use to the bike. Today was the first day I hitched him, he did great! While hitched, he first walked on the halter, then i ground drove him in his bridle. He did get a little nervous when I asked him to trot with the bike attached but calmed down rather quickly. We walked over bumps so he can get the feel and hear the noises from that. Tonight or tomorrow we will be going over more bumps to get him even more desensitized to how the shafts move and feel. When tied up hitched he is figuring out he can’t move sideways very much, he tries to move his butt over to the fence but those darn shafts keep getting in the way 🤣 I might be able to get IN the cart this weekend, we will see how his progress continues, he will let me know when he is ready, there is absolutely no rush. I will get my heavier cart out for our first drive together and I will have hubby helping me….or at least have hubby ready to call 911🤣🤣

*In addition to the above training, Bentley continues to go with me & Breezy on our daily neighborhood outings and our adventures away from home.💕 He is much bigger than Breezy. When I am carting Breezy and ask for the canter, Bentley only has to trot to keep up. He is definitely a busy body and is not happy doing nothing, he gets bored rather easily. Surprisingly he is very good at standing still while I walk all around, but then again that isn’t doing nothing, that is standing still waiting for his next cue. He very much enjoys challenges and learning new things 💕💕

Bentley’s first time hitched

Things are about to get real exciting! 💕💕

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Umbrella Training

 WTH! Why on earth would you dance around horses with an umbrella?? Crazy lady!!

Stay tuned!

Bentley’s Harness Training

 Day one of harness and bit training went swimmingly! I put the bit in Bentley’s mouth, he fumbled with it a couple of times then accepted it nicely. He didn’t care about the harness or the thingy under his tail. He lounged a few times both ways with absolutely no issues. Oh my heart!


Breezy - Stockyards


Made our way back to the Stockyards
and found ourselves a couple of cowboys!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Bentley - Target & PetCo

Have you never seen a horse
in Target before?

The turtles welcomed us at PetCo.

Bentley at PetCo

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Breezy - Wyatt Ranch

 Had a blast today at Wyatt Ranch! Beautiful trails, great water crossings, and stunning views! We will most definitely be going back real soon.

Sonic was right across the street from the ranch!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Date Night


Wonderful date night in Clearfork

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Bentley - Clearfork

 Ground drove Bentley at Clearfork today, he did AWESOME as usual! Here is a pic of him crossing over the river.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Breezy - The Grasslands

 Breezy and I rode with my friend Julie and her horse Hollee to the Grasslands, about an hour and a half away. We had a blast! Ponies were AWESOME! The terrain was difficult at times, but I felt completely safe in my bike. There were a couple of questionable hills where one tire would be high up on a berm and the other tire low on the ground, but I was able to always keep both tires planted and not once did I do a wheelie. Never a dull moment!

Hollee & Julie

Hollee & Breezy


Friday, June 2, 2023

Breezy & Bentley - Stockyards Fort Worth

 Too much fun today at the Stockyards in Forth Worth!

We stopped for lunch and had a wonderful time!
Do you see all 3 ponies?

Love Hollee!
Cheers Julie 💕

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Breezy & Bentley - TRT Foster Park

 Had a great time at Foster Park, nice and relaxing drive.