Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Shadow Drives

 I drove Shadow around at the new house for the first time, he did AWESOME!!


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Pony Express - Hay

 I took the Pony Express to get hay. We made it home safely and didn’t loose a bale of hay on the way yay! These are the bigger bales of hay, the 3 string coastal, and weigh about 140 pounds. They should be pretty easy to unload since they are so low to the ground, I should be able to just roll them off.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Barn Build - Fence

 The painters painted the wood fence today around the pony paddock and it looks awesome!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Barn Build - Spray Foam

 The spray foam guys got the barn insulated today. They sprayed foam the wall where the tack/feed room will be and the entire ceiling of the barn.

Tack/feed room wall


Morning View

We are pretty much all moved out of the old house and into the new one. We still have to go back one day next week for a few things. 

I am loving the set up of our new place! I have been letting my 4 little ponies out in the backyard every morning to graze and they are loving it! Here is my view from our back patio.

Shadow - left
Thunder - right
Breezy & Stormy - In the back

Saturday, June 19, 2021


 Disclaimer: Do NOT try this at home!  

I think I have found a way to walk all 4 of my little ponies at once and it seems to be working out pretty good for me. Dave wasn’t home to take my pic, so I had to take one myself… 3 of them are tied together and Shadow is on cross ties, YIKES! Again, do NOT try this at home!! 

From the left: Thunder is tied to the wall, he gets to walk by himself. Next: Stormy is tied to Shadow. I walk Shadow and then Breezy is tied to Shadow. One hand I have Thunder, the other hand I have Shadow. Shadow has 2 ponies tied to him, one on each side. Shadow is the most dominant out of the bunch and the biggest so he can handle them. Stormy has to walk on the outside of everyone because he is the wicked red headed step child and the instigator of the bunch. What an adventure for my 4 little ponies!!

I will try to have Dave take a pic of all this craziness real soon!!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Barn Build - Stall & Stall Door

 Dave has been working his cute little hiney off this morning before he heads to work. He made Riffics stall door!!

Riffics stall door

He has also been working on the other stall.

Wow!! It is really looking good, I love it!!

Pony Day!

Some people take spa days. Me??  I am taking a pony day! I needed a break from packing and moving, so it is Pony time!! I just got my surcingle in the mail and I thought I’d try it out. I put it on Stormy and it was way too big. I made a few adjustments, hooked Breezy up to him and away we went. They both did good for their first time. I would like to be able to walk ALL 4 of my little ponies at the same time one of these days. They will need lots of practice first and I’ll need to order a couple more surcingles.

Stormy & Breezy

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Barn Build - Front View

 Dave got the metal on the front of the barn last night. He took the most beautiful pic of the barn with the sun setting.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Barn Build - Metal

 Dave stopped by Mueller Buildings today for the exterior metal on the barn. He was very upset when it started to rain this afternoon and was forced to stop working for a few minutes. He is doing such a wonderful job!! It’s looking AWESOME!!!

Rear view of barn.

Barn Build - Framing & Stalls

 It is starting to look like a horse barn, STALLS & ALL!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Barn Build - Flooring & Framing

 We got all 36 pony matts in and 6 Riffics sized matts.

Dave cutting the matts to fit.

Dave started framing today!!  Very exciting!!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Barn Build - Floor & Fence

The fence is complete, we finished putting up all 78 fence rails yesterday. It looks soooooo good!

Today we got the flooring in. We used 576 concrete pavers and boy were they heavy! Stall matts go in tomorrow.

Dave working hard!

I showed a friend a picture of my new “stable” and she said “Well…. It does look stable!” 😂

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Pony Express… OR….

 Puppy Express!! I had to take pup and the kitties to the vet today for their yearly shots. Everyone fit perfectly, but pup really wanted to sit in the front seat right next to me. Doc said Cheddar HAS to loose weight. He weighs 23 pounds!! And should only weigh about 10-12, yikes!

Monday, June 7, 2021

Friday, June 4, 2021

Barn Build - DUMPSTER

 Thank goodness the waste management people brought us the bigger dumpster instead of the smaller one that I had originally ordered because we have just about filled it up and we haven’t even moved in yet!!

Barn Build - FENCE

 We got the fence posts pounded in yesterday, all 35 of them. Which was a piece of cake compared to what we are use to LOL!

The tack/feed room will be where the concrete pad is.
The stalls will be where the dirt floors are.

This will be Riffics pasture.

This will be the Perfect Pony Paradise Paddock!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sox & Pup

 Awwwweeeee Dave took the sweetest pic of Sox & Pup this evening!

Barn Build

 We are in the process of moving to Crowley, TX! We are downsizing from 10 acres to 2.5 acres, from a 3,000 square foot barn down to a 864 square foot barn. Even though my new barn will be much smaller, Dave promises to make it just as beautiful!….and I am so ready to get it started, it is going to be WONDERFUL!!

This is the inside of my barn. It needs EVERYTHING!!
But that’s what makes it fun!

There was 7 foot tall interior fencing that Dave has already removed. My barn is the white structure in the middle of the photo, not the off-white barn on the right (that is our neighbors property). The white building on the far left is Dave’s shop and a RV storage space.