Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Bentley: Bicentennial Park

 I can’t even tell you how excited I am about this little boy! He is the exact height I was looking for! Once he matures a little more, he is going to be able to pull me with no problem at all. Bentley took to the cart from day one of training like he was MEANT to be pulling me in a cart. He loves it and is so calm, cool, and collected!  He carts me up and down little hills so easily and carefree. I just love his personality too! He is the sweetest little horse, full of love and joy, always putting a smile on my face. I have had him now almost 9 months and I am very attached and bonded to him. He makes my heart melt, just love him! I am looking forward to our future together and all the exciting adventures we have planned for next year.

Nov 29, 2023

Breezy : Foster Park

 Oh my Breez likes to go. For such a teeny tiny horse, he can move. He has always been and will probably always be my hottest horse, it is in his blood, good thing he is so small. We drive out a few miles and as soon as we head for home, watch out! He wants to haul A$$ back! We are working on that and how to be calmer once we turn around and head for home. Lucky for me, I have figured out how to handle and deal with his rearing episodes and I’m glad to report that he hasn’t reared in months. His stamina is very impressive too, I usually can’t wear him out even though sometimes I try. He is in it for the long haul which is wonderful because so am I. He is an incredible little pony who I absolutely love and adore!

Nov 28, 2023

Friday, November 24, 2023

Another Pup Pic


Lacy & Cheddar

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Happy Birthday Lacy!

 My sweet puppy turns 13 yo tomorrow November 22! She is the sweetest pup on the planet!!

Happy Birthday Lacy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Lake Arrowhead State Park- Breezy

 Breezy and I camped out oat Lake Arrowhead State Park Nov. 10-12, 2023 with Cinde and her horse Duke along with her crew Steve, Oskya, and Frio. We had a blast! The beautifully groomed trails are about 5 miles round trip. I decided to let Breezy sleep overnight in the trailer because I was worried he would be able to escape the stalls that were provided. Fabulous time & great weather!


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Brand New Trailer

 I just got my new trailer to carry my 3 boys around the country! It is a special order trailer and turned out exactly how I envisioned! 

Breezy, Stormy
Everyone fits
with plenty of room up front for the bike!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Pole Canyon Ranch - Breezy

 Nov 6-8, 2023

We had a great time at Pole Canyon Ranch! The trails were AWESOME for the horses and our bikes! I wouldn’t go in the summer time or extreme heat as there is no shade on the trails nor the horse pens. Beautiful place, the red canyons are a must see.

Monday, November 6, 2023



Beautiful sunset

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Bob & Riffics

 Bob is now in charge of feeding Riffics! He feeds Riffics twice a day and Riffics is always waiting for him. Two oldies but goodies!

Walking My Boys

 I’ve been walking my little boys out in the neighborhood to prepare them for hiking together.

Breezy, Stormy, & Bentley