Friday, January 15, 2021

Stormy Drive Hours Jan 2021

Jan 31

29 minutes

.82 miles

Jan 29

.49 miles

19 minutes

Stormy is doing so great!

Jan 25:

.44 miles, 22 minutes

Jan 19:

.80 miles, 26 minutes

I ground drove in the neighborhood today. Stormy did great.

Jan 18:

.40 miles, 23 minutes

I drove Stormy around Pasture 1 today, I could tell he was tired, so I didn’t want to over do it. He was struggling a little too, poor baby.

Jan 17: 

1.65 miles, 1 hour 3 minutes

AM: I drove Stormy around the ranch for 48 minutes, going a total of 1.25 miles. He did great this morning. I opened the front gate and he got really nervous. He figured out that he couldn’t turn sideways really fast, so he just started backing up. I finally got him to stop backing, I then got off the cart and hand walked him through the gate and back. We will work on that a little more this afternoon. I just love this little guy, he is doing amazing!

PM: I drove Stormy for only 15 minutes, .40 of a mile, and he did absolutely wonderful so we ended on a good note. We walked right up to the gate, opened it, went through it, turned around, walked back through the gate and then closed it....TWICE!! He was PERFECT both times, WOOHOO!!

Jan 16:  1.5 mile, 1 hour 14 minutes

AM: I drove Stormy around the ranch today. I drove him on the grass, up little hills, over bumps. He did amazing and is getting better every time I drive him. This morning I drove him for 53 minutes which equaled 1 mile. Go Stormy go! We will get faster and faster the more muscle he builds. He has no muscles right now, but we are building slowly but surely. I wanted to take some before picture of him and then in a couple of months I will post some after pictures so we will really be able to see how much muscle he has gained. Here are the before pictures, taken today. It might be hard to tell because he is in his winter woollies. 

PM: This afternoon I had Stormy trotting for the first time and boy was it fun! We did much better on time, we did a half mile in 21 minutes! See?! He is already getting faster LOL LOL

Jan 15: 1 mile, 1 hour

I drove Stormy about an hour this morning. It is so windy and cold here today. I really wanted to drive him again this afternoon, but decided to wait because tomorrow will be much prettier and way less windy.

Jan 14: 30 minutes

I have been working with Stormy for months and all my hard work has paid off. He was not phased at all by my new cart. I worked with him for a few minutes, hitched the cart and away we went! He did amazing for his first time. I drove him twice today for about 15 minutes each time. He is such a good sport! My arena was way too wet from all the snow and rain, so I had to drive him on the concrete which actually turned out perfect. It was so much easier for him to learn to pull a cart on concrete rather than in a sand arena or in the grass.

Jan 13:

My new cart has finally arrived!! An Aerocrown Bellcrown! I ordered it back in Sept and finally recieved it today. It is absolutely beautiful!! I love it!