All the barn cats LOVE pup!! Lacy is the sweetest dog, so gentle, not one mean bone in her little body. She is such a loyal dog, but I guess that is one of the things labs are known for.
Smokey Bear, Cheddar, Lacy |
Sox, Lacy |
I stole Cheddar from his mom, a feral cat, at 3 weeks of age. Cheddar doesn’t move too fast and he hardly ever leaves the barn because he is so fat! He doesn’t really like other cats, but is learning to tolerate them. I saw him once chance a cricket, but that’s it, just the one time. He just mostly sleeps and eats.
Cheddar |
Smokey Bear was a stray that came to us at our last house. I told him if he stayed at our house for one week then I would keep him, needless to say he stayed. He is the sweetest, most friendliest cat we have. He isn’t scared of people at all. If he sees a stranger, he’ll walk right up and insist to be petted. His long hair is so soft, silky, and beautiful! He will hunt a little, but loves following me around the ranch.
Smokey Bear |
Sox showed up in our barn last Christmas, so of course I thought Santa brought him to me, but it was unknowingly our septic guy. Sox was a stow away and rode under the hood of the truck all the way from Whitney! He is the attack cat of the ranch, always trying to attack any stray dogs that may pass by which is surprising because he is so small. Sox is all kitten and is constantly playing. He loves to eat butterflies, hunts frogs, and has actually caught a bird! He is most definitely the best hunter we have! He also enjoys following me around the ranch.
Sox |