Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thunder’s TSC Adventure

Don’t laugh, but I had a few errands to run today and Thunder wanted to go with me. So I got the Pony Express ready and away we went. Everyone gets a kick out of seeing my little ponies load and unload from the van, you just don’t see that everyday. 

We ended up at TSC and he did AMAZING!!  I absolutely LOVE that he looks towards me to be his leader! I tied him to the buggy and he just followed me around the store ever so calmly, nothing bothered him at all.

Thunder at TSC

On the way home we had to stop for gas. I opened his door so he could hang his sweet little head out over the stall door for some fresh air. He didn’t like when he couldn’t see me and he started whinnying. But as soon as he saw me again he quieted down and relaxed. He did so GREAT being out by himself!! I just love this little guy and am so proud of him!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Well…. I guess this blog isn’t about my little ponies 100% of the time…..My Dave does have seniority ya know.


Kelly & Dave

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Glen Rose Park: Shadow & Thunder

 Shadow did a lot better today in the Pony Express! He wasn’t as nervous as the first time. I have learned though that he needs to be tied short and tight, if there is too much slack when he is tied, he will paw constantly. Once I figured that out, he did great and coming home he was even better!  Thunder was a champ as always, such a cool, relaxed, easy going pony!! I am hoping some of Thunders coolness will rub off on Shadow LOL

Thunder & Shadow

We have had so much rain here this week in TEXAS the rivers are filling up. Luckily we were able to take a quick trip to Glen Rose Park before the rain starts again. We walked about 1.25 miles and my little ponies were so glad to get out!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Ponies walking Bob!

 Dave and I took a couple of ponies over to the parents house! We all went for a nice walk down the street in the neighborhood. No better way than to spend the day walking ponies in between rain showers! Rain, rain, go AWAY!! My little ponies were so glad to be out of their muddy paddock and humans were so happy to get out of the house.... for a few minutes anyways.

Bob with Breezy
Kelly with Stormy
Dave with camera 😂

Monday, May 17, 2021

Horse QUILT!

 Nancy, my mother-in-law, made me the most BEAUTIFUL Horse Quilt!! I absolutely LOVE it!! The dark ponies are for Riffics & Scarlett, AWWWEEE!! So sweet & thoughtful!

I’m extremely lucky to have such wonderful and talented in-laws!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Glen Rose Park - Stormy & Breezy

 I took Stormy and Breezy to the park in Glen Rose today, what a beautiful park! We also walked around the square in downtown Glen Rose. There were so many nice people that we meet out on our adventure.  Everyone loves my little ponies!

Breezy in the front, Stormy in the back

Friday, May 14, 2021

Pony Express - WS Park Adventure - Shadow & Thunder

 I took Shadow (my biggest pony) and Thunder (my smallest) to the local park here in Walnut Springs today. Shadow was a nervous nelly the whole ride there and back. He pooped as soon as I put the van in reverse LOL. The look on his face was total fear the entire time he was in the van, poor little guy!! That just means he needs much more practice of riding in the van. I put Shadow in first and Thunder in last. He kept backing into little Thunder, so at one point Thunder ran out of room and had to jump on top of Shadow. 😂 I am watching all of this in my rear view mirror! Luckily there is no traffic out here in the country, so I pulled over on the side of the road and push Shadow over to try to get him to stop hogging all the space.

Once we got to the park they both loved it!! We even got to practice walking up and down stairs.

Thunder & Shadow

On the way home, I put Thunder in first so Shadow wouldn’t crowd him.... But I had to pull over on the side of the road again! This time Shadow got his leg caught up in the hay net because he pawed none stop. When I opened the door to the van, they were both trying to jump out LOL LOL I got his leg untangled and we finally made it 1 piece 😍 It’s always an adventure with my little ponies!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Pony Express - Park Adventure - Stormy & Breezy

 I took Stormy & Breezy to the park today for their very first ride in the Pony Express and they had a great time! Stormy was the first horse to poop in the van, but we all saw that coming! LOL! I absolutely loved having them right there behind me as we drove down the road, it was really cool. I am so glad we did this van conversion!!

Stormy & Breezy

Stormy & Breezy

Breezy & Stormy

Breezy & Stormy

May - Mile tracker & Drive times

May 28

Drive Shadow, Pony Thunder: 3:30 minutes, .1miles

Yep, you read that right. As soon as I drove Shadow out of the barn and into pasture 1, I heard a big loud boom. I turned around, looked at Thunder and asked: “why Thunder why?” We headed back to the barn and as soon as we got back inside, it thundered more then started raining. It has been raining so much these past couple of weeks, I am ready for some dry weather.

May 26

Drive Shadow, Pony Thunder: 29 minutes, .96 miles

Walk Stormy & Breezy: 27 minutes, 1.03 miles

May 21

Walk Stormy & Breezy: 17 minutes, .63 miles

Drive Shadow, Pony Thunder: 30 minutes, 1 mile

May 20

Drive Stormy, Pony Breezy:  .85 miles, 28 minutes

May 19

Walk Shadow & Thunder at GR Park: 35 minutes, 1.25 miles

May 18

Walk Stormy & Breezy: 1.10 miles, 37 minutes

May 17

Drive Shadow, pony Thunder: 27 minutes, .82 miles

May 15

Walk Stormy & Breezy at GR Park: 1 hour 11 minutes, 1.60 miles

Drive Shadow, Pony Thunder: 37 minutes, 1.30 miles

May 14

Walk Shadow & Thunder at WS park: 28 minutes, 1 mile

Drive Stormy, pony Breezy: 17 minutes, .50 miles

May 13

Walk Breezy & Stormy: 1 mile, 33 minutes

Drive Shadow: 29 minutes, .61 miles

May 8

Walk Breezy & Thunder 14 minutes, .58 miles

May 7

Shadow: 22minutes, .73 miles

May 6

Walk Breezy & Thunder: 18 minutes, .65miles

Stormy: 22:30 minutes, .70 miles

May 5

Shadow: 20 minutes, .60 miles

 May 2

Shadow: 28 minutes, 1 mile

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 Woohoo! Woohoo!! The hitch came today, it wasn’t suppose to be here until next week.

We stopped by TSC for the luggage rack, but they don’t carry them in the stores around here, you have to order them on-line only. So then we stopped by Harbor Freight and they had a whole bunch in stock to choose from. We tried putting my cart on the back and boy was that heavy for me. I think I am gonna have to order a Hyper Bike, since those are so easy to disassemble from what I hear and very light weight. The luggage rack is the perfect height for my little ponies to step on, then hop on in to the van.

Pony Express - BED LINER

 Here are some pics of Dave spraying in the bed liner.

The final product turned out BEAUTIFUL!!

Pony Express - RAPTOR READY


Dave says RAPTOR is the BEST spray in bed liner to use.
According to him ALL the other stuff is JUNK!

OMG! He is so darn cute in his paint suit!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Pony Express - EXTERIOR

  I am thinking of putting this picture on the exterior of the van.... What do you think?



Dave has gotten the stall caulked along the floor, he has sanded down all the wood, and is now applying polyurethane.

2 coats of poly!

Pony Express - STALL DOOR

 Here I was this morning thinking Dave was out sanding and polyurethaning the Pony Express, but he was creating and making me the absolute cutest stall door! Now if I need to stop for gas or run inside a store real quick, my ponies will be able to get fresh air.... I just simply open the sliding door on the van and they’ll be able to hang their pretty little heads out.


The stall door is on a track and is completely removable.

Here is the latch we used to keep the stall door shut.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Pony Express - BED

 The bed looks amazing!! Nice and big, I lay down and fit perfectly!!

The bed is completely open, see how the legs on the left side holding the bed up.

Here the bed is folded up and converted back into a stall for the ponies.
The legs are hanging on the side of the wood by hinges.

Here is a picture of the extension of the bed folded up. Notice the extra wood above the microwave and behind the passenger seat.

Here is the extra wood above the microwave.

The wood above the microwave being extended out.

The portion of the bed extended behind the passenger seat.

Dave has done a fabulous job, I absolutely LOVE it!!  It is exactly what I was envisioning!!  I think we are done with the structure we have to make everything functional and look pretty..... I like pretty!!

Pony Express - JAIL BARS

Jail bars or partition is now installed.
It is bolted to the frame of the van at the top and to the floors. 
 We put wood over the bottom portion of the jail bars
so hay and shavings don’t get under the front seats.

Pony Express - STALL & BENCH BED

The bed is under construction.


The stall will be on the left and my bench bed will be on the right.
Dave made sure that my microwave would fit perfectly under the bed.

Dave added the extra board to the stall area to keep the horses off my bed. Those black lines are hinges, so when the horses aren’t in their stall, I can fold that piece of wood down to extend my bed.

Pony Express - THE WALLS

decided to use cedar on the walls and throughout for the wonderful smell.....maybe it will keep it from smelling like a barn?? But I like the smell of my barn!!

Dave does such wonderful work.... it is turning out absolutely beautiful!! Y’all know I like pretty!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pony Express - FLOORS

 The Pony Express is underway! Dave doesn't mess around!! We went to Home Depot this morning and got the wood for the conversion. He has already removed the black matt out of the back portion and put down the plywood floor. ONE sheet of plywood cost $70 nowadays, geeeez. 

Before picture

Original black mat has been removed

Plywood floor is down!