Friday, June 17, 2022

Baby Nova

Dear Horse Friends,

PLEASE HELP! Someone has got to talk to my new Mommy, she is CRAZY! The other day she walked me to the end of the driveway and this BIG scary green thing started to follow her. I FLIPPED!! It was a close call but I managed to escape! I got a little lost and ran straight to the neighbors house. My Mommy came over with a panicked look on her face and I was so glad she had escaped that big scary green thing too. This is where she got CRAZY!  She lectured to me something about a trash can and that I’d eventually get use to it bla, bla, bla. Then she took me back over to the big scary green thing! OMG! It was completely crazy! I did finally relax some after she made me walk around it like 100 times but seriously WHY? WHY? WHY? The next day when we went for a walk again and thank GOD that big scary green thing wasn’t there. That’s another thing, Mommy keeps taking me for these “walks” and I don’t really see the point. I’d rather stay in my room close to my big brothers and eat at the hay buffet all day.

I know my big brothers think my Mommy is soooooo cool but trust me she isn’t! I can’t seem to convince them how CRAZY she really is. She comes onto MY new house and my big brothers always run over to her. I scream and scream for them to come back to me but no one listens! Why don’t they listen to me? They are like in complete AWE of her. Somebody needs to talk to them too!

I have my own room for now but Mommy promises I will get to share the big room with my brothers once I get older. It’s just not fair, I want to be out with my big brothers now. Why do I have to wait till I get older?! So unfair! My big brothers did teach me how to get hay out of the net. I LOVE the net, it is my most favorite thing in the world. My Mommy chases me around with a big black bucket of hay sometimes and I don’t know why. Doesn’t she know I only want my hay in those net thingys, just like my big brothers.

I do have one grumpy brother who always pins his ears at me, I think Mommy calls him Thunder. He tried to kick me the other day and Mommy lectured him big time! All I could do was laugh, ha ha ha you got in trouble. I tried to irritate him again so he would kick at me and Mommy would have to lecture him again, but she moved me and put me in time out! I didn’t do anything wrong! It was so unfair! One minute I was tied up next to all my big brothers and loving life then the next minute she moved ME far away, ME!! I don’t understand I was being such a good girl. See? She is so NOT cool!

I heard Mommy lecture to Stormy something about babysitting, bla bla bla, I don’t know what she was saying but Stormy must have agreed because he stands next to me all the time and he keeps a close watch out for me. He is the coolest big brother EVER. I love Breezy too but all he can think about is FOOD so he isn’t always around.

There is this big yellow furry thing here that is bigger than me, it slobbers and snorts. Well the other day it was all up in my junk so I smacked it. I thought I was real cool but Mommy didn’t think so and she lectured me again. She told me something like I shouldn’t strike out at the dog or whatever, I don’t know what she was trying to say all I hear is bla, bla, bla! 

Someone please talk to her, she is CRAZY!
